Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pig Pan!

Last night ( Friday the 12th of June), all of the staff along with Ashley and myself, 26 people to be exact, went to a very "famous" Thai buffet. And let me tell you, it was an experience I'd never forget!!
The building was quite large and it had a metal barn/ flea market feel to it. There was a roof, but no sides to the building. At the front of the restaurant was a stage where there were Thai performers and comedians. When I first walked into the restaurant known as the "Pig Pan" I just saw table upon table upon table. I couldn't believe how large this place was.

The Pig Pan banner.

The stage.

The buffet was in the back. And here's how it worked:
1. You gather all your raw meats (a variety to choose from including freaky mixed meat in weird shapes as pictured below).
These little guys just creep me out. It is meat just mixed together turned into what looks like a posessed marshmallow.

Once again, mystery meat anyone? Any takers? Not me!!

Mr. Shrimp dude.

How about some lovely blue shrimp to cook? I've NEVER seen them this color in my life. Pretty funny looking, huh?

2. Pick your sauces, herbs, and spices for the meats.
3. Enjoy some pre-cooked food if you would like ( spring rolls, rice, french fries all included. There is a salad bar as well!
Growing up at The Barn always gives me very high expectations for a salad bar. I should just know better in Thailand! ;)

I don't know what the cd's have to do with a salad bar... adds to the atmosphere mabye? Oh who knows. My guess is as good as yours will be.

4. Go back to your table and grill your food right in front of you. You have chopsticks, a spoon, and a bowl. Chopsticks will be used for picking up the raw meat, flipping on your little grill or "pig pan", poking the raw meat to make sure it's grilling through the middle, and then stabbing again to ensure proper placement in the bowl. Ew. But I got used to it. In my arrogant american mindset, I just couldn't believe that I was using wooden chopsticks to play with the raw meat and then eat off with.

My video commentary of the buffet.

the "pig pan"

Tutu (the director of Thailand) with her sons Daniel and Zack. David, the youngest stayed at the orphanage for the evening to make sure things went smoothly. What a kid!
A funny little video of Daniel and Tutu enjoying themselves. Daniel reminds me of an asian version of Cory Ball. Cory, if you're reading this... this is what you'd look like if you were an asaind person!

5. Enjoy as much dessert as you would like!

Ashley and I with our Nestle's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream!! YUMMY!! :)

She and I may or may not have had two bowls each! :)

I had a great time with the staff and learning even more about the Thai culture. Once again, it was another little adventure I'll never forget!

1 comment:

SPIES said...

i don't know, the kids sounded pretty much in tune to my ears... ha! i've been to the "pig house" too and enjoyed it... obviously i made sure everything i ate was cooked really well. it would be a nightmare to manage a restaurant like that, so i didn't want to have to guess which area got neglected on that particular day. what an experience. take care.