Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lots of Giggles and Smiles at the Orphanages

This afternoon, I got to see our 3rd orphanage for the 1st time. I met a few of the kids on Sunday at church, but I was glad to see where they live and spend a little more time with the kids. 

Some of the boys being silly at the D3 orphanage. 

The "dorm rooms"

The outside of the kitchen/dining area. 

This game was a combo between volleyball, baseball, and dodgeball. I didn't quite understand it all!!

just relaxing on the hammock!


great action shot of the "dodgeball" part of the game!

This little boy was a wild man! He was so hyper! ha. 

Where darkness collided with the light. aka.. it was raining and the sun was still out. 

Teenoi wearing the girls pink flipflops!

Sai entertaining herself with a yellow plastic bag. Yes, I know.. in the states toddlers plus plastic bags do not equal each other, but like I have said in previous blogs, people are much more laid back in SE Asia. ;)

Goofy girl trying to make a shirt out of the bag!

Some of the staff playing a combination of soccer and volley ball with a wicker ball. This a very hard game!!

Ashley was teaching the little kids how to throw a frisbee. It was a hoot to see them try and throw it the "right" way. 

I love Sai (Sigh's) little happy dance in this video! too cute! 

You can hear the little kids counting to '3' in this video. Noon is 1. Song is 2. Sahm is 3. That's not how you spell the numbers at all, I just thought I would spell it out for you how it's pronounced. 

Ash is quite talented at multi-tasking! ;)

Playing soccer. 

Ashley and Jo. 

Dao (dow)  is so ornery but is such a cutie!

I hope you enjoyed catching a glimpse of why I love being at the orphanage. I will post more videos and pictures of the bigger kids on a later date.  I must get ready to head to the orphanage for the weekend. I get to go to a village wedding tomorrow!!  Enjoy your Friday everyone!

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