Saturday, May 30, 2009

Adventures in Chiang Mai

I have no pictures from the past two days. Sorry. But I'll give you a quick synopsis of what I've been up to here in Thailand. 

Yesterday (Friday), Ashley took me into the city to Chiang Mai to run some errands. I needed a few things for my apartment that I'm staying at. She and I grabbed a Thai lunch (only $1.00) and also had really yummy fruit shakes. It's an outdoor restaurant and I've always called it the "really good fruit shake restaurant" because I don't know the name of it. After that Ashley met up with her friend Kyndell for coffee and I got a $4 Thai massage at the Central mall. I love that the massages are so cheap here! :)  For dinner, Ashley and I went into Doi Saket (the town the orphanage is in) and we grabbed Pad Thai and Roti (an indian dessert I believe) to go and headed to the orphanage. We spent time with the kiddos and had a movie night. They watched some sort of Thai movie that I didn't understand.  But that's okay, I enjoyed being with the kids. 
I spent the night at the orphanage with Ashley. She lives at the baby house. I didn't sleep well the first few hours because I just felt like there were bugs crawling all over me. Sure enough, I finally woke up at 3am, turned the lights on and saw this trial of little red ants crawling on my bed, in my sheets, and on me.  I felt bad waking poor Ashley up but we sprayed everything with ant killer (including myself). After that little episode, I was able to sleep quite well... ant free!

This morning I spent time playing with the little kids. All of the kids at the orphanage had to get haircuts today. It was fun to see them all lined up waiting for their new 'do. Ashley and I went into Doi Saket to get Iced Coffee and my favorite, Iced Milo for breakfast. Milo is Nestle's Asian version of Nesquick. And Iced Milo tastes like Iced Hot Chocolate. Yum. Later for lunch, we had another Thai dish that is native to this area- Kao Soi. It's hard to explain what it tastes like. But it's really good noodle soup in a red curry broth (a little spicy), pork, and the crunchy noodles on top. You can add lemon, sprouts, cabbage, and fresh herbs if you would like.  This afternoon, Ashley and I baked a devil's food cake with the older girls. It helps them with their english, cooking skills, and how to potentially sell their item in a business situation.  Ashley dropped me off in Doi Saket before it got dark and before the big rains came. I took a 'taxi' back to my apartment. It's not quite an american taxi. It's a truck with seating in the back and a plastic-ish covering over the cab of the truck. I think there were 15 asians plus me crammed in the back of the truck. I felt like we were playing sardines in a can. ha. Needless to say, I have to pray for patience as I will be taking the cabs a lot to and from the orphanage. 

Good night all. I am back at my apartment and going to catch up on some reading and e-mails.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Goodbyes This Morning, New Faces and New Places Tonight.

We all were at the orphanage by 7 this morning so Joci and Eric could say goodbye to the kids. Here are some cute pictures of the little ones getting ready for school.

Sai is getting so big!
Eric saying goodbye to the girls. 

That backpack is almost bigger than Teenoi. What a hoot. He didn't want to wear his shoes to school. ha.

Jojo saying goodbye.

Eric, Tutu (Thailand's director), Joci, Ashley, and myself at the orphanage early this morning. 

We were able to hang out at the airport with the Biddle's before they started their long plane rides. The goodbyes were hard, but am so thankful to have gotten to know Joci and Eric on this trip.
Friends since they were born! 

Tutu and Joci. 

David and Eric being goofy. 

Goodbye Joci and Eric!! We'll miss you! God is going to do awesome things through you both. Thank you for your hearts and willingness to love the least of these. I'll be praying for you both as you each go on your band tours in the states. 

Tonight, Ashley and I went to her friend's house and played some american games. All of the girls spoke english which was a treat. We had a great time and it was neat to hear the stories of how God had led each one of these ladies to Thailand. 

Tonight I will leave you with a verse that has grabbed my attention recently:

"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God." - Acts 20:24 (NLT)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Movies at the Mall, Thai Dinner and Dancing, and the Desires of My Heart

Today was a fun filled day in Chiang Mai. It was Eric and Joci's last day here before they fly back to Ohio tomorrow. David, Tutu's son took Joci, Eric, Ashley and I to the Central Airport Mall which is as nice if not nicer than the malls back at home. Ashley, Joci, and myself got $5 hour long thai massages. Once we were all relaxed we met back up with the boys and saw 'Angels and Demons' at the movie theater in the mall. Great movie!! Standing up and paying homage to the King of Thailand is necessary before the movie starts. It reminds me of how we sing the National Anthem before sports games.. only even more serious than that.  Tonight a group of us went to a Thai traditional dinner with dancing. We had a great time together.
Being silly at the Thai dinner. 
Ashley, Joci, and me!

Reminds me so much of 'The King and I.'
I have no idea what this animal is supposed to be. Is there such thing as an asian llama!? ha.

Learning the traditional Thai dances! 
Eric dancing. 

Lighting a giant paper lantern. 

Daniel, David, me, Ashley, Joci, and Eric.. what a fun day! :)

I am very tired tonight. I think it's a combination of changing cultures/ not getting as much sleep as I typically do/just thinking about a lot of different things. I'm listening to my Pastor's message from Sunday and I'm so thankful for technology that I can listen to it halfway across the world.  He's talking about walking with God while gaining wisdom so we can make Godly decisions in life. I needed the reminder to walk in faith with the plans that God has for me. It sounds so easy but it much harder than I ever dreamed of. I've been learning so much that I can't make life decisions on my own. I need to have a humble heart, give up the control (which is VERY hard for me) and be willing to go on whatever path He takes me. To be very honest with you, the past few weeks have been an emotional and spiritual battle for me. I've remembered so many things that I've had to let go of and I have been trying not to doubt or second guess the decisions I've made the past few years. I know without a doubt that I am supposed to be here loving these kids and the people of Cambodia and Thailand. But it's very hard for me to see God allowing other situations around me to occur. I know it's selfishness on my part, but the Lord can see what I can't. This isn't my life, it's God working through me. I need to keep giving up my personal dreams and make His dreams for me my heart's desire. So I'm taking baby steps... what seems like sometimes a minute by minute battle, I am trying to take captive those "what-ifs" and doubting thoughts and just handing them over to Jesus.  I am trying to trust in His plan for my life even if it's trusting in the little things. We all have to start somewhere, right? 

"Take delight in the Lord,and He will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the LordTrust Him, and He will help you."  -Psalm 37:4-5 (NLT)


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sawasdee-ka Thailand!!

(The gorgeous flowers Tutu gave to me upon my arrival! Pink-my favorite color and the white lilies are some of my favorite flowers!!)

Well folks, 
I made it to Thailand!! Can you believe that it's been a month already since I've left!? Wow, that flew by. Tutu and Eric Biddle came to pick me up at the airport today. And let me tell you, I couldn't get out of the plane fast enough to come and hug these kids. It was great to meet Ashley for the 1st time. She has been here interning for Asia's Hope since the fall and is from Mansfield, Ohio. It was also wonderful to catch up with Eric and Joci! 
The hardest part about today was without a doubt trying to remember which language to speak in. I've been accidentally saying Khmer phrases all day instead of Thai. They are very similar but yet very different meanings.

Eric and Tutu came to pick me up! :)

My first meal in Thailand. Some sort of noodles and pork... and this weird flower/herb drink that tasted like pomegranate with a funky twist. 

Joci was very sweet and took some great pictures of me seeing the kids for the 1st time since last year. 
Seeing the kids again for the 1st time since last year!
So excited to be back!!!!!!!

Getting to hug my little girl again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Love these girls. 

Playing at the baby nursery.

After playing at the orphanage, Joci, Eric, Ashley, Tutu, and myself went to a new western restaurant that opened and it might be my new favorite restaurant here in Chiang Mai. Pizza,BBQ, burgers, malts, french fries, great chocolated desserts. Delightful!

Goodnight all. It's been a very long but very happy day.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Playing Catch-Up.

This weekend was dedicated to fun with the kids. I am SO very thankful that I am 100% better and was able to play with the kids, go to their dance party, and attend church. Once again- thank you for all of your prayers.... they have been felt!!!

Paper Football. 

Mango fruit roll-ups.

Playing some silly staring game!! The kids love it. 
and John is losing at this point.....
getting ready to eat!
Jen and I!! :)

Srey Lin trying to do a trick. Silly girl.
What a goob. ha. 

John dancing for the kids with pots and pans. 
Like I've said many times before.. can't get enough of those smiles!

The kids all excited to eat some yummy homemade chicken soup. 

Hannah-- I took this picture JUST for you! ;)

Yesterday, we went to the Christian School in Prek Eng and had church with all of the orphanages. They sang, danced, and John preached while being sick. He talked about loving others (enemies/friends etc.) from Luke 6. 
Singing at church. 

The staff singing for us. 
What sweet kids. 

My little buddy Danet. :)
Sony and I. She looks so much better than a few months ago- she received serious burns from a balloon explosion a few months prior. 

The little peacocks. Such a cute little dance. 

Performing the peacock dance at church. 

Little Kim hou and I... She's grown so much since last year!!

Some of the Prek Eng 3 kids riding their bike back to the orphanage from church. 

Well this picture fits perfectly as the ending. I am saying my final goodbyes to the kids today and then flying to Thailand tomorrow!!! :)  John is flying back to the states today- please pray that his health improves and he will arrive in one piece back to his wife, Kori, and 3 kids! 

More kids to hug tomorrow! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!