Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cambodia's version of Hartzler's Chocolate Milk!!

It's been found!!!!!!! Battambang, Cambodia has a drink called 'iced milk' with obviously milk/cream, lots of ice, and chocolate.. and you stir/ shake until it's all blended. After the first sip, it almost felt like I was at home in Wayne County drinking the infamous Hartzler's chocolate milk... For those of you who might not know me as well, french fries and chocolate are my weaknesses. I have been craving chocolate very badly while I've been here in Cambodia and to find an incrediblely good tasting chocolate drink is a treat! It's hard to find decent chocolate here that doesn't cost an arm and/or a leg!

Ahhhh.. bliss!

These are called SandIce drinks. You pick your fruit flavor and it it has the consistancy of very cold/ fruity milkshakes. They are so cold that you have to drink it very slowly or else you  WILL get a brain freeze. It's a great way to cool off from the heat of the day here in Cambodia. Guess how much these 2 drinks cost? Less than $2.50 total for the both drinks.
Cambodia actually has really great cold drinks here- bubble teas, SandIce, their version of fruit frappachinos. Oh! And the steet vendors sell pure liquid sugar cane- it's fantastic! They press long sugar cane sticks and the sugar liquid comes out... yum! :)

Now that I've filled you in on all of the fun little drinks that you can get to cool you off over here, I'll tell you a little about my day.
I spent the whole day with Jill Kane for Mother's Day and we had a great time! My day started off going to see the Asia's Hope kids and went to church there. I can't ever get enough hugs there!! I'm learning more and more what situations these kids came from before and what they have now, it brings me to tears because these kids having a fighting chance now! Thank you to all of you in the states who are giving sacrificially to Asia's Hope. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that these precious children are learning and growing so much. They have such big smiles now! 
During the church service, all of the kids got up and did dances and said memory verses. One group danced to "One Way, Jesus" and I intanstly thought of my BW friends who are all very special to me. I got teary-eyed because it was so neat to see these kids make the song come alive while worshiping. 
After church, Jill taught English for about 2 hours at Asia's Hope. Then it was lunch at a western/khmer place called "Honey" which has the Hartzler's wannabe chocolate milk! :) Then it was church at the ministry center. Both services I went to today were in Khmer so I couldn't understand a lick of it. I know the word for God- that's all I picked up on the sermons......... I now know how Charlie Brown felt when he was trying to listen to his teacher!!! HA! 
Tonight was a great night in- Jill made fried rice and veggies and we watched a Cary Grant movie. I love old movies! Jill also made these little concoctions of saltine crackers, peanut butter, and melted marshmallows... mmmm! Her grandmother used to make them for her, they're called 'Margaurites.' And now it's time for bed. It's another cool evening of 84 degrees!! YES!
Pray that the misquitos will stop biting... they love me and I'm even wearing bug spray all the time.

*Congrats to my college grads!!! :) Love you all!! I'm so proud of you guys! 
*Momma- I hope you're enjoying your Mother's Day! Love you LOTS!!!!
*THANK YOU Aimee for "re-decorating" my blogsite!!! You're awesome my dear! Love you best freind!!!

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