Thursday, May 28, 2009

Goodbyes This Morning, New Faces and New Places Tonight.

We all were at the orphanage by 7 this morning so Joci and Eric could say goodbye to the kids. Here are some cute pictures of the little ones getting ready for school.

Sai is getting so big!
Eric saying goodbye to the girls. 

That backpack is almost bigger than Teenoi. What a hoot. He didn't want to wear his shoes to school. ha.

Jojo saying goodbye.

Eric, Tutu (Thailand's director), Joci, Ashley, and myself at the orphanage early this morning. 

We were able to hang out at the airport with the Biddle's before they started their long plane rides. The goodbyes were hard, but am so thankful to have gotten to know Joci and Eric on this trip.
Friends since they were born! 

Tutu and Joci. 

David and Eric being goofy. 

Goodbye Joci and Eric!! We'll miss you! God is going to do awesome things through you both. Thank you for your hearts and willingness to love the least of these. I'll be praying for you both as you each go on your band tours in the states. 

Tonight, Ashley and I went to her friend's house and played some american games. All of the girls spoke english which was a treat. We had a great time and it was neat to hear the stories of how God had led each one of these ladies to Thailand. 

Tonight I will leave you with a verse that has grabbed my attention recently:

"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God." - Acts 20:24 (NLT)

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