Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday in Cambodia

Monday was quite the day. First, it was breakfast at the TEO restaurant (also the hotel we're staying at) and we had to say goodbye to Pastor Bob. He and Kevin Kane went to Siem Reip to see Angkor Wat and then Pastor Bob and Dr. John will head to Thailand to see the Doi Saket orphanages. It was hard to say goodbye to him because I see both him and Roxanne as another set of parental figures in my life! They are very dear people to me. 

Kevin and Jill Kane, Pastor Bob.

Kevin, Jill, Pastor Bob, and myself. 

Dr. John with the Kane's. 

The Kane's with Joci and Eric Biddle.

Eric, Joci (both from Mansfield, Ohio), and me. 

After all the goodbyes, Eric, Joci, and I  had the morning to catch up on journaling and some reading.  We went out to lunch at The Bungalow with Dr. John. We're still trying to figure out what nick-name to call it. It's a beautiful outdoor restaurant that would remind you of something that has a South Pacific or a Havana Nights feel to it. I went with Jill later on to see where she teaches. She teaches between 50-60 kids (ages middle school- college age) English, Monday through Friday. This class was a treat because they wanted to get better at their conversational English so they asked me many questions for an hour! All the older boys kept asking me "Are you married?".. "Do you have a boyfriend?".. "Do you have a man in your life?" "Do you want to stay in Cambodia forever?".  HA! Oh goodness! It was a hoot. They are all great people and love to learn.  It rained extremely hard on Monday night, so Jill made grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup! We also watched an old Cary Grant movie!! For those of you who don't know, I LOVE old movies. My best friend Alyssa and I watch them all the time at home.  It was the perfect way to end the day.

I forgot to mention this... Sunday morning we all woke up to sirens at 4am. Just down the street from where we're staying was a fire. Jill got more details from the locals and found out that it was 4 girls (ages 17-21) and 1 boy (the lanlord's son) were killed in the blaze.  It's very common to have locks on the outside of your doors.. and they were locked in. They all were karaoke girls which means they serve drinks and give massages. It's supposed to be a safer nightlife job. 
We drove by the scene and this is what was left from the fire... absolutely nothing. The building behind it is a separate building, I think. 

I love the flowers here. The plant life, palm trees, and fruit are all so colorful and vibrant! So here are some of the exotic flowers to give you an idea of what I see every day. 

I will try and keep the blog updated as much as I can. I know I am a few days behind, but will try to catch up soon! Have a great day/evening everyone!


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