Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cambodians know how to party!

On Saturday night after the Inaugration Ceremony of Grace Place, all 5 orphanages got together and we had a dance party!! And let me tell you that these people know how to dance!! :)
One thing that is the same with the Khmer culture and the american culture is that teenage boys love to play with fire and make music as loud as they can with big speakers! I am amazed at how much these teen kids know about technology already! 

Here are some dancing pics with the kids:
 These little girls loved to follow me around and they were so fun to watch! They know how to break it down!!
Josie and the kiddos having fun!

Eric and the boys being goofballs.

The little girl that Jes and I sponsor from Grace Place.. so precious!

I can't get enough hugs!! 

They love to pose and make peace signs in every picture...

Pastor Bob refusing to dance and just chilling with the kids.  

Somehow, after some arm-pulling.. the kids got Pastor Bob out of his chair and out to dance with everyone else!!! 

Eric holding a very sleepy little girl.

I wish I could have captured the excitement in the kids faces when the fireworks went off!!

What a wonderful ending to such a great day!!!


John McCollum said...

I really wish I could have been there. Thanks for the photos!

Aunt Mimi said...

Looks like a good time was had by all! How wonderful that you were able to be there for the inaugural ceremony...a blessing you'll never forget.

Dana said...

Oh Kaillie, I WANT TO BE THERE TOO!!!!!! I MISS THOSE KIDS:) I will just have to be patient and "love them through you" for now! So glad that you made it just stay healthy! I hope to go over this fall, if that's what God still wants for me!Love you,Dana