Friday, May 1, 2009

Battambang.. city of the lost stick.

Good morning ya'll! 
After a 5 hour journey yesterday, we made it to Battambang.
Pictured left is the main statue that gives Battambang it's meaning.... which is.. are you ready for this? "Lost Stick."  It refers to a legend of one of the kings a long time ago. I tried to find the story to share it with you and google just can't seem to pull through this morning! ha. 

Well I have learned so much about Cambodia the past 24 hours. We met with the Kane's last night who are from my hometown of Wooster and are serving here in Battambang for 12 years. They've been here for 3 years and 4 months. They have quite the story and I'm elated to be here and spend time with them for a week!! :)

Here are some funny tidbits I learned the past few days in Cambodia:

1. Potato ice cream is purple and is really good! It doesn't taste like potatoes. 
2. Even in nice hotels, ants are common.
3. Jill was telling us about the Khmer language lessons she's been learning lately and the Cambodian people love to translate and compare many things to poop. ha. For instance-
-moles on your skin= fly poop (literal translation in the Cambodian language)
-ear wax= ear poop
-those "sleepies" in your eyes when you wake up in the morning= eye poop
-salt and pepper hair= tiger poop ... please explain that one to me!?
-and the best one... shooting star= star poop!
ahaha. Too funny!
4. Honking the horn while driving is a very common thing. It lets people know where you're at on the road.
5. Speaking of roads and road rules.. here in Cambodia double yellow lines, staying on the right side of the road and waiting at red lights are all suggestions..... No one follows the rules here!!
6. When you use a toothpick, cover your mouth. But you are allowed to pick your teeth at the table (as long as you cover your mouth).
7. You can pick your nose anywhere here.. it's a normal public thing!
8. The way they prepare fish is different-- they buy the fish still alive, hit it over the head, then put it in the skillet to fry up (scales, head, everything) and then serve the whole fish. You have to peel back all the skin etc. and make sure you don't eat the little bones!

I'm sure there will be many more tidbits along the way! I hope you enjoy them!

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