Saturday, May 30, 2009

Adventures in Chiang Mai

I have no pictures from the past two days. Sorry. But I'll give you a quick synopsis of what I've been up to here in Thailand. 

Yesterday (Friday), Ashley took me into the city to Chiang Mai to run some errands. I needed a few things for my apartment that I'm staying at. She and I grabbed a Thai lunch (only $1.00) and also had really yummy fruit shakes. It's an outdoor restaurant and I've always called it the "really good fruit shake restaurant" because I don't know the name of it. After that Ashley met up with her friend Kyndell for coffee and I got a $4 Thai massage at the Central mall. I love that the massages are so cheap here! :)  For dinner, Ashley and I went into Doi Saket (the town the orphanage is in) and we grabbed Pad Thai and Roti (an indian dessert I believe) to go and headed to the orphanage. We spent time with the kiddos and had a movie night. They watched some sort of Thai movie that I didn't understand.  But that's okay, I enjoyed being with the kids. 
I spent the night at the orphanage with Ashley. She lives at the baby house. I didn't sleep well the first few hours because I just felt like there were bugs crawling all over me. Sure enough, I finally woke up at 3am, turned the lights on and saw this trial of little red ants crawling on my bed, in my sheets, and on me.  I felt bad waking poor Ashley up but we sprayed everything with ant killer (including myself). After that little episode, I was able to sleep quite well... ant free!

This morning I spent time playing with the little kids. All of the kids at the orphanage had to get haircuts today. It was fun to see them all lined up waiting for their new 'do. Ashley and I went into Doi Saket to get Iced Coffee and my favorite, Iced Milo for breakfast. Milo is Nestle's Asian version of Nesquick. And Iced Milo tastes like Iced Hot Chocolate. Yum. Later for lunch, we had another Thai dish that is native to this area- Kao Soi. It's hard to explain what it tastes like. But it's really good noodle soup in a red curry broth (a little spicy), pork, and the crunchy noodles on top. You can add lemon, sprouts, cabbage, and fresh herbs if you would like.  This afternoon, Ashley and I baked a devil's food cake with the older girls. It helps them with their english, cooking skills, and how to potentially sell their item in a business situation.  Ashley dropped me off in Doi Saket before it got dark and before the big rains came. I took a 'taxi' back to my apartment. It's not quite an american taxi. It's a truck with seating in the back and a plastic-ish covering over the cab of the truck. I think there were 15 asians plus me crammed in the back of the truck. I felt like we were playing sardines in a can. ha. Needless to say, I have to pray for patience as I will be taking the cabs a lot to and from the orphanage. 

Good night all. I am back at my apartment and going to catch up on some reading and e-mails.

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