Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Movies at the Mall, Thai Dinner and Dancing, and the Desires of My Heart

Today was a fun filled day in Chiang Mai. It was Eric and Joci's last day here before they fly back to Ohio tomorrow. David, Tutu's son took Joci, Eric, Ashley and I to the Central Airport Mall which is as nice if not nicer than the malls back at home. Ashley, Joci, and myself got $5 hour long thai massages. Once we were all relaxed we met back up with the boys and saw 'Angels and Demons' at the movie theater in the mall. Great movie!! Standing up and paying homage to the King of Thailand is necessary before the movie starts. It reminds me of how we sing the National Anthem before sports games.. only even more serious than that.  Tonight a group of us went to a Thai traditional dinner with dancing. We had a great time together.
Being silly at the Thai dinner. 
Ashley, Joci, and me!

Reminds me so much of 'The King and I.'
I have no idea what this animal is supposed to be. Is there such thing as an asian llama!? ha.

Learning the traditional Thai dances! 
Eric dancing. 

Lighting a giant paper lantern. 

Daniel, David, me, Ashley, Joci, and Eric.. what a fun day! :)

I am very tired tonight. I think it's a combination of changing cultures/ not getting as much sleep as I typically do/just thinking about a lot of different things. I'm listening to my Pastor's message from Sunday and I'm so thankful for technology that I can listen to it halfway across the world.  He's talking about walking with God while gaining wisdom so we can make Godly decisions in life. I needed the reminder to walk in faith with the plans that God has for me. It sounds so easy but it much harder than I ever dreamed of. I've been learning so much that I can't make life decisions on my own. I need to have a humble heart, give up the control (which is VERY hard for me) and be willing to go on whatever path He takes me. To be very honest with you, the past few weeks have been an emotional and spiritual battle for me. I've remembered so many things that I've had to let go of and I have been trying not to doubt or second guess the decisions I've made the past few years. I know without a doubt that I am supposed to be here loving these kids and the people of Cambodia and Thailand. But it's very hard for me to see God allowing other situations around me to occur. I know it's selfishness on my part, but the Lord can see what I can't. This isn't my life, it's God working through me. I need to keep giving up my personal dreams and make His dreams for me my heart's desire. So I'm taking baby steps... what seems like sometimes a minute by minute battle, I am trying to take captive those "what-ifs" and doubting thoughts and just handing them over to Jesus.  I am trying to trust in His plan for my life even if it's trusting in the little things. We all have to start somewhere, right? 

"Take delight in the Lord,and He will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the LordTrust Him, and He will help you."  -Psalm 37:4-5 (NLT)


1 comment:

Kara said...

You have an amazing story..or should I say stories that you are sharing with all of us. I am so happy to hear what you are doing for God.
I am not sure I would have been that brave when I was your age to go off to foreign land and so far from home. It is great seeing young people living their lives for Jesus.
Keep trusting God!
Ryan Kara